Saturday, February 16, 2013

spiRIT where did you go??

spirit...why i didnt find you this year..
i feel so heartless without you..
why did you go away from me..
and left me behind like this..
i want you with me back..
like the want that i have when i was in form 3..
please come back with me..
be my friend..and push me uphill..towards success..
just me and you...
don't leave me behind helpless without u..
don't leave me behind crying over my failure..
please..i begging you..
XOXO the end...feeling so heartless..

Friday, February 8, 2013

tahun penuh dugaan..

tahun ni aq rase aq bnyak sangat di duga..
tak tau kenape..
tapi aq rase Allah nak bagi something untuk aq..
Allah nak uji sama ade aq mampu atau tidak menghadapi ujian daripada nye.

aq diuji dalam pelajaran aq ...
aq menangis sebab aq sendiri yg bodoh..
can't you all imagine..
being the lowest in the class for only a test for two chapter ..
aq rase aq faham..tapi kenape aq tak boleh buat???
kenape orang lain boleh..dan aq still lagi mencari-carinye..
i think i have put enough effort on it..but why i can't achieve success?
dan aq dimarahi oleh cikgu hanya sebab aq tak wat keje yang sepatutnya tak ade dalam jadual..

is that fair to me..
teacher blame me bcoz of i didn't do my work..
and i cry infront of others because of it..
i cry like a kid searching for his mother..

but i think that is the start towards my success..
i think i should get up and start it right now..
no way to turn back..
aq akan pastikan subjek tu dan subjek -subjek yang lain tidak ade yang fail dalam ujian 1 dan seterusnye.
and make the teachers proud of me..
baru gempak skit sbb boleh wat lonjakkan paradigma..
for my parents.. 
i hope both of you can still supporting me and pray for my success..
aminnnnn ya ALLAH
aminnnn Ya Rahman...
aminnn Ya Rahim..