Friday, November 16, 2012


Kali ni nk cer pasal kebaikan or kindness
Bak kata orang kindness ni macam energy...
coz it will never be destroy or created but always change to another form
and a quotes that i really love it:
"because kindness keep the world afloat"
heere is the video for all of u to watch it
take the good thing from it...
and world will peace if this is keep going..
keep helping and smiling XD...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


salam dah lama gila... x post........
asyik bace post org je...
menunggu masa yg sesuai utk menulis semula..
and i think this is the right time.. xD

Rasanye nak tulis pasal ego....
E.G.O is a three alphabet that kan ruins your life
that what i learn...from the quotes that i read it...
it such a great quotes that teach me to low my ego...
and for my friend .... you have to learn it too...
because people will hate you if you keeping your relationship with E.G.O....
ok that's all till we met again...